Changing How Science is Visualized and Communicated
Steadman, S. and Baluch, D.P. (2023) Age and Hormonal Stimulation Affect Tyramine Enrichment and Smooth Muscle Modulation
within the Male Mouse Reproductive System. Microscopy and Microanalysis. In Review
Steadman, S. and Baluch, D.P. (2022) Comparison of Age-Related Tyramine Concentration in the Male Mouse Reproductive
System. Microscopy and Microanalysis. DOI:
Arnat Balabiyev, A., Podolnikova, N.P., Kilbourne, J.A, Baluch, D.P., Lowry, D., Zare, A., Ros, R., Flick, M.J., and Ugarova, T.
Gonzales, B., P. Shange, R. La Mascus, G. Solis, D.P. Baluch and R.W. Roberson (2020) Obstacle-Induced Branching in
Filamentous Fungi. Microscopy and Microanalysis. DOI:
Obayomi, S.M.B., and Baluch, D.P. (2020). Tyramine Localization Closely Corelates to Circular Vesicles within the Mouse Uterine
Horn using Correlational Fluorescence and Scanning Electron Microscopy. Microscopy and Microanalysis. DOI:
Faust, B., Huddleston, J., Baluch, D.P., Chew, T.L. and Ugarova, T. (2019). An Actin-based Protrusion Initiate Macrophage Fusion.
Mol Biol Cell 30(17):2254-2267. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E19-01-0009.
Obayomi, S.M.B., Peck, S., and Baluch, D.P. (2019). Ultrastructural Modifications of the Mouse Uterus upon Biogenic Amine
Stimulation. Microscopy and Microanalysis DOI:
Peck, S., Obayomi, S.M.B., and Baluch, D.P. (2019). The Role of Tyramine within the Mouse Ovary. Microscopy and Microanalysis
Obayomi, S.M.B., Peck, S. and Baluch, D.P. (2017) Imaging Live Uterine Tissue Modulation using Confocal Microscopy. J.
Microscopy and Microanalysis. DOI:
Hasper, E., Gonzales, A., Martinez, B, Harris, L., Yu, H., Farkas, Z., Hedgpeth, T., Windhorst, R.A., and Baluch, D.P.
(2015). Methods for creating and evaluating 3D tactile images to teach STEM courses to the visually impaired. J.
College Science Teaching.
Williams, G.J., Zhang, T., Alexander, L., Gonzales, A., Baluch, D.P., Duerstock, B.S. (2014). 3D Printing Tactile Graphics:
Application to Histology. RESNA Online.
Langlais, P., Dillon, J.L., Mengos, A., Baluch, D.P., Ardebili, R., Miranda, D.N., Xie, X., Heckmann, B.L., Liu, J., and
Mandarino, L.J. (2012). Identification of a Role for CLASP2 in Insulin Action. J. Biological Chemistry.
Kalive, M., Baluch, D.P. and Capco, D.G. (2012). Involvement of PKCz and GSK3b in the stability of the metaphase spindle.
In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol.
Tamura, K., Mager, V. A., Burnett, L. A., Olson, J. H., Brower, J. B., Casano, A. R., Baluch, D. P., Targovnik, J. H.,
Windhorst, R. A., Herman, R. M. (2010). Semi-automated method of analysis of small sensory nerve fibers in human
skin-biopsies. J Neurosci Methods, 185, pp 325-337.
Daskalova, S., Pah, A., Baluch, D.P., and Lopez, L. (2009). Arabidopsis thaliana putative sialyltransferase resides in plant
Golgi but lacks the ability to transfer sialic acid. J. Plant Biol. 11(3), pp 284-99.
Baluch, D. P. and Capco, D. G. (2008). GSK3β Mediates Acentromeric Spindle Stabilization by Activated PKCζ. Dev. Biol.
17(1), pp 46-58.
Huang, A., Nielson, G., Razdan, A., Farin, G., Capco,D., and Baluch, D.P. (2006). Thin Structure Segmentation and
Visualization in Three-Dimensional Biomedical Images: A Shape-Based Approach. IEEE TVCG 12 (1) pp 93-102.
Baluch, D. P., Koeneman, B. A., Hatch, K., McGaughey, R. Capco, D. G. (2004). PKC isotypes in post-activated and
fertilized mouse eggs: association with the meiotic spindle. Dev Biol 274, pp 45-55.
Huang, A., Nielson, G., Razdan, A., Farin, G., Capco,D., and Baluch, D.P. (2003). Line and Net Pattern Segmentation
Using Shape Modeling. Proc. Visualization and Data Analysis. 5009, pp. 171-180.
Jiuxiang Hu; Razdan, A.; Nielson, G.M.; Farin, G.E.; Baluch, D.P.; Capco, D.G. (2003). Volumetric segmentation using
Weibull E-SD fields. IEEE TVCG 9 (3) pp 320-328.
Baluch, D. P., Capco, D. G. (2002). Cellular Scaffolds in Mammalian Eggs. Frontiers in Bioscience 7, d1653-1661.
Baluch, D.P. (2015). FORWARD to Professorship in STEM: Inclusive faculty development strategies that work: Jumpstarting
STEM Careers. Editors: Heller, R. and Mavriplis, C. Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA. [Weblink]
Baluch, D. P., Pauken, C.M., Capco, D.G. (2004). Laboratory Guide for the Mammalian Embryo: Cytoplasmic Signaling and
Cell Cycle Control in the Mouse Egg and Embryo. Editors: Gardner, D.K., Lane, M., Watson, A.J. Oxford University
Press, NY. Pp 298-312.
Jiuxiang H., Baluch, D.P., Razdan, A., Nielson, G., Farin, G., and Capco, D.G. (2003). Case Study: Hidden Scaffold
Extraction Using Crest Point for Enumerated Volumes. Data Visualization 2003. Association for Computing
Machinery, NY, NY.
D.P.Baluch (2014) Guess that Gadget. [Winter Trendspotting Column] AWIS Mag, 45(4)
D.P.Baluch (2014) There is a STEM App for that! [Winter Trendspotting Column] AWIS Mag, 45(4)
D.P.Baluch (2014) Guess that Gadget. [Fall Trendspotting Column] AWIS Mag, 45(3)
D.P.Baluch (2014) There is a STEM App for that! [Fall Trendspotting Column] AWIS Mag, 45(3)
D.P.Baluch (2014) Guess that Gadget. [Summer Trendspotting Column] AWIS Mag, 45(2)
D.P.Baluch (2014) Guess that Gadget. [Spring Trendspotting Column] AWIS Mag, 45(1)
D.P.Baluch (2014) Wikipedia Warning. [Spring Career playbook] AWIS Mag, 45 (1) pp18-19.
D.P.Baluch (2014) Guess that Gadget. [Winter Trendspotting Column] AWIS Mag, 44(4)
D.P.Baluch (2014) Culinary Science. [Winter Trendspotting Column] AWIS Mag, 44 (4) pp10-12.
D.P.Baluch (2014) There is a STEM App for that! [Winter Trendspotting Column] AWIS Mag, 44(4)
D.P.Baluch (2013) Is Creating a Wikipedia Profile a Useful Professional Development Strategy? (WEBLINK)
ASCB Post.
D.P.Baluch (2013) Science and Self in Wikipedia; Just because you can, should you? ASCB Newsletter. (WEBLINK)
D.P.Baluch (2013) AWIS-Central Arizona Heats Up. AWIS Magazine; Chapter News. V44 (2).
D.P.Baluch (2013) There is a STEM App for that![Fall Trendspotting Column] AWIS Mag, 44(3)
D.P.Baluch (2013) There is a STEM App for that![Quarterly Column] AWIS Mag, 44(2)
D.P.Baluch (2013) Guess that Gadget. [Quarterly Column] AWIS Mag, 44 (2, 4).
D.P.Baluch (2012) Entrepreneurship: Inside the Brain of Steve Jobs. AWIS Mag, 43 (3).
D.P.Baluch (2012) Top 10 ways to build your chapter. AWIS Mag, 43 (2).
D.P.Baluch (2012) Developing Technologies for Teaching. AWIS Mag, 43 (1).
Hughes, J. and Baluch, D.P. (2011) Bug Metamorphosis; Nature’s Ultimate Transformer. Ask a Biologist website,
(WEBLINK) June 2011.
D.P.Baluch (2011) Using Social Media to Connect. AWIS Mag, 42 (4), pp 32-33.
D.P.Baluch (2011) Motivating Future Scientists. AWIS Mag, 42 (3), pp 37-39.
D.P.Baluch (2011) Cell Biotechnology: Teaching the next generation. AWIS Mag, 42 (2), pp 38-39.
D.P.Baluch (2011) What is Advocacy and How Does it Work. AWIS Mag, 42 (3), p8-9.
Baluch, D.P. and Dolezal, A. (2010) True Bugs. Ask a Biologist website. (WEBLINK) January 2011.
D.P.Baluch (2010) Estrogen: Exciting the Brain. AWIS Mag, 41 (4), pp 19-21.
D.P.Baluch (2010) Looking for a Few Good Women. AWIS Mag, 41 (3), pp 10-12.
D.P.Baluch (2010) Seeing Art in Science. AWIS Mag, 41 (2), pp 20-21.