[Sponsors of antibodies and other research supplies include AVES Labs, IBIDI, Cell Signaling, and Life Technologies.]

Changing How Science is Visualized and Communicated

Baluch Bioimaging Lab

classes taught at asu


Bioimaging: bio503

Offered every fall, the graduate level Bioimaging course is intended to instruct students in the basics of microscopy. Students will learn about microscopes and how they work and sample protocols for preparing cells and tissues for imaging. Each student is required to complete a research project that will be presented at the semester end.


cell biotechnology: bio451/551

This class is offered twice a year to upper division undergraduate and new graduate students. The course provides training in common lab techniques including aseptic technique, cell culture, transfection, sectioning, immunocytochemistry, as well as live cell and fluorescent/confocal imaging. During the last third of the semester, students will collect data for a final presentation that will be given to the class and visiting bioimaging faculty. Each year images from each project are used to create the final collage for the class that is placed on display in the cell biotech classroom and RegenMed Imaging Facility.


undergraduate research: bio495

Undergraduate students register to join the Baluch lab to do undergraduate research. All students learn the basics of cell culture, immunocytochemistry and microscopy. Students are encouraged to continue and develop their project so that they can present their work at local or national conferences such as the Arizona Imaging and Microanalysis Society, Society for Neuroscience or American Society for Cell Biology undergraduate poster session.


Journal club: New Developments in Advanced Light Microscopy